Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Lego Trick That Made Me Sad

I was so happy. But why was I behind a big sheet of white paper? Okay...But anyway I had all the Lego's I want in the world!! I saw my mom running to the store and I saw that she got a billion of Lego sets. It was the Indiana Jones. I opened three at once. I peered inside super duper excitedly... My eyes were sparkling. My heart was racing-WHAT!!?? Nothing... Nothing at all.. There was nothing in the box. I opened all the other ones. Same results. I stared at the boxes. I stared at the huge sheet of white paper--"HUHuhuh!"...I was panting. I woke up in terror.. I  stared at the dark, pitch black wall. Tears dribbled down my cheeks. Why wasn't there anything inside the Lego boxes?  I wiped the tears away, but I couldn't help it. I was super sweaty. I stared at my mom's room. My mom and sister were still wide awake, laughing and talking about something. I slowly got out of bed and started to walk towards the light. I stood on my toes. Slowly, I walked down the hallway. I wiped some tears on the way there. When I saw my mom. I started to cry like crazy. I told my mom what happened and my mom and sister laughed a bit, thinking it was not that sad but funny instead. Just then, the phone rang. My mom started telling my dad the story. They laughed again. I was not happy. I told my mom it wasn't funny. I started to cry again. I shoved my face into the blanket. (By the way, this was a pretty long time ago, when I was young.) I cried  until my mom said that I was starting to look like a raccoon. My eyes were red as fire and so was the skin around my eye. (It was worse because I have some sort of skin disease thingy majingy) Like a raccoon It was around my eyes also like a bandit or something with masks around there eyes. I stared at her and hugged her. I cried again. Then I went back to sleep. That was the saddest day of my life or should I say moment...
I don't know what was wrong with me.... But again I was REALLY young. I don't think that was  such a reasonable reason to cry. But still, it was the saddest moment of my life.

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