Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Yes, scientist say that there is a particle they found that moves faster than the speed of light. But that is not all...
I think there is another thing that can move close to the speed of light, thought.
When you or I think of something, it just pops out of out brain in the blink of an eye.
I know something that I actually proved to my self that is faster than the speed of light. It is vision.
Vision, you can actually see the light moving. For example, when you take a flashlight and race it with my self,
it is going to win because the one press and the light is there. But I have to move my legs and push my self forward.
But when you race vision, you can actually see the wall before the light touches it. You can even look at the light traveling in a high speed.
But because the light is traveling in such a high speed, you can't see it traveling, but instead just see go straight to the wall. It doesn't look like traveling. That is because it is at the speed of light. But light can go faster. If you spin to blades that are on opposite sides on a motor, because of its high speed, it looks like a blurry disc that is spinning. Same with light, except even faster, it goes so fast, you think it didn't move at all. Back to vision and thought/idea. But what controls all of this? The brain! Yes, the brilliant organ that is so amazing!
The brain is what controls everything. Even thought, emotions, vision, touch, movement. The occipital lobe of your brain is in control of vision and thought and idea is from the pre-frontal and frontal lobes.
So are these things faster than the speed of light, or even close? Is the brain really doing all these things at one time?
Why does the world have so many questions? The answers will be found very soon....
Click this link for a tour!>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UukcdU258A
Click this link for an interactive AMAZING AWESOME, MUST SEE, Adventure>>>http://www.newscientist.com/movie/brain-interactive

FrEe TiMe

Free time is called free time for a reason. That is because you are free to do anything
during this time, but what do I do in this time? I am known to love Lego, so obviously
I would do Lego, but now I like using my Kindle Fire for my free time. I like doing both, but these days, I don't do Lego that much. I don't know why, I think it is because I have no ideas to build
something and that I am taking a break from it.  I took a break on filming stop motions a long time ago.
In conclusion, I use my Kindle Fire in my free time whenever I can, to read books and play games.
 The Kindle Fire is amazing!
It is basically like an iPad except that you can watch movies, TV shows and read books.
The best part is that the Kindle Fire is smaller and it costs less. I like that is small because that makes it easy to carry and portable, even though the iPad is portable, the Kindle Fire weighs less and is smaller.
I like reading books and I like playing games on it. I don't listen to music on it because the Kindle is not meant for listening to music, it is for reading books, iPods are meant to listen to music and play games.
What do you do in YOUR free time?

Kindle Fire

I got the Kindle Fire, which is on fire just like me...
It is cool...
I got some books and a couple of apps. Well actually, a lot of books....
It is cool...