Monday, January 30, 2012


What's your favorite sport? Mine is baseball. I think it's a good invention. I like the fact that it is the first sport that used a bat. I like the idea of the bat. I like how the pitcher throws the ball and the batter has to hit it. I like the idea of the bases. My favorite part is home runs. It is awesome! It is a cool way to win. No other sport is like this, maybe except T-ball and soft ball, but those were made based on this sport. It is a good idea. I don't have a favorite team, but I do like the Phillies a little. I wonder why it was named it baseball, why not batball, ballbat, or ballbase? I think it is because the person who named it just gave a name that he liked. Did you know that immigrants actually invented it? I never knew that! I think those immigrant were really creative. I think baseball was different when the immigrants made it. I think people changed and modified the rules of the immigrants version. I wish I was the inventor of baseball. (To learn more go on here:

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