Friday, January 20, 2012


I remember a long time ago, when Harry Potter was a horror movie to me. It always scared me. Scary bald people without noses, guys with "n" On their foreheads. I planned to never watch it. One trailer made me freak out. I said to myself, "Harry Potter is probably the most worst movie in the world!" But how can I say that!" I never even watched  it! Many years later, I watched and read all the books. NOT SCARY! That was because I was prejudice. Here is another example of me being prejudice:  I look at the lunch. There is a disgusting looking thing with noodles sticking out of it, and there is a sandwich with an okay thing inside. I choose the sandwich. I eat the sandwich. Disgusting. A week later I eat the disgusting looking thing with the noodles sticking out of it. It turns out to be really yummy. See? Prejudice kind of reminds me of the saying, "Don't judge a book by it's cover!"   I think it is kind of similar to being prejudice. Right? The cover might look weird, but the inside/story might be great or it might be the oposite. The outside might be really cool, and the story/inside might be terrible. You pre judge. Judge  before you even know anything about that person or thing. You see, everyone does it. No one is ever not prejudice. Sometimes you need to be prejudice, so one day you see a kid, he is really good looking, you want to be friends with that person. But that person might be a very mean and unkind person on the inside. That is a time you have to be a little prejudice. Don't you think? I think being prejudice can be bad and good sometimes.

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