Thursday, December 22, 2011


I hate those disgusting little things. Every single one of them. There is no such thing as a cute bug. They all are disgusting and hideous. Don't you agree? I especially hate the bugs with many legs. Also known as the C word. Also known as-pause-centipedes. "shudder" Gosh! Those little hairy things with so many legs, running around. I HATE them. The tiny hairy legs moving back and forth as it moves. And spiders? Forget it. I hate EVERY  bug in the world. All of them. The creepy little jittery things. I like to squish them. But I don't like squishing them at the same time. The crunch and the oozing feeling. The guts coming out. The green oozing guts. They spill out of the tiny crunched disgusting body. okay I hate this topic. I go  crazy when there is a bug. I scream and jump around. I hate the tiny hairs sticking out of their nasty bodies. I just hate everything about bugs. Bugs are useless, what do they do? Nothing but annoy and scare people like me. They are only nice and cute in stories, but in real life. Gosh, I really don't want to talk about it. I hate the slimy type, I hate the hairy type, I hate the lots of legs type, and the bug type. (Bug type means all bugs) I wish bugs would not bother people like me!

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