Saturday, August 16, 2014


The subject of dreaming automatically brings up the thought of my favorite movie of all time; Inception. (If you haven't watched that movie, you should, because it is the best movie ever!) Anyway, when I first learned that it was possible to control your dreams, I was really excited. I read about it in a book and I wanted to try it. Although there were many different steps and things you needed to do the control your dream, they never really worked out to well for me. Controlling your dream is called: lucid dreaming. But really, it's not controlling your dream, it's about controlling yourself and recognizing that you are in a dream while you are dreaming. 58% of people claim that they have lucid dreamed at least once. I really want to lucid dream because then, anything is possible because I no longer think that the dream is real, I know that I can do whatever I want because it's my dream! Soldiers from the military that have "military dreams" are unable to pull the trigger of their gun in the face of danger, but soldiers who have played video games to help out with nightmares were able to shoot back at the enemy. Robert Waggoner, an author of a book called Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self, said, "The sailor does not control the sea, and neither does the lucid dreamer control their dream." I really wish that I would one day be able to lucid dream.

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