Thursday, May 23, 2013

Result: Give Up

Do you know the time when you're all hyper and excited because you're about to do something and you can just imagine how great it will be? There's always the same result: give up. I was all excited about making this huge Lego creation. I planned out this amazing idea in my head. At first, I felt as if I was doing something epic and I even sang epic background music to give it an, "Epic" effect. But as I built, I started to feel kind of tired. You know, that feeling comes once in a while. Then, I would stretch my back and think through the plan again. It's all kind of fuzzy in your brain. I take a rest from building. I feel like I'm not making any progress at all. Then the next thing you know, you give up. I do that a lot. Many of my projects were canceled due to new ideas, which... were also canceled for other reasons including new ideas...
Although this isn't a very good thing, it happens a lot and I'm sure its happened to you too once.
So I always try to finish projects.
So 3 Cheers for my new BrickFilm!
Cheer! Cheer! Cheer!

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