Monday, July 29, 2013

The Lava Walk

2012, a video of a man walking over lava, was posted on YouTube. Many people didn't think this was real or possible. They thought it was a illusion or trick. A geologist says that although walking across lava is possible, you shouldn't try it because it is very dangerous. If you slip you will fall into the molten lava that have temperatures from 700°C to 1200°C, which could cause the water inside our bodies to vaporize and "explode from the inside" Erik Klemetti(an Assistant Professor of Geology at Ohio's Denison University) studied this video very closely and came up with a theory which he posted on his volcano "Eruptions blog"
Erik Klemetti says that walking across lava is technically possible but he says that the attempt is very "idiotic". This feat was possible because the lava had a dark crust moving on top of the flow. The lava appeared rather stony, hard, and rough. Although it might not seem like so, lava is viscous unlike water. When researches have to study lava samples, the lava can be resistant and hard to scoop up out of flows. This man's astonishing feat was aided by the fact that the lava was rather cool and slow. Klemetti says this kind of lava is called a'a lava; a cool and oozing kind of lava. Although a'a lava is cooler then other types, it is still extremely hot. The man in the video is nicknamed, the "lava art craft worker" Walking around lava or being near lava can be very hot, even if the lava flow is small. This short clip was filmed on one of the most active volcanoes in the world, Mt. Edna in Sicily. Although the crust might look hard, it can be very deceptive, the crust can actually be very thin. The "lava art craft worker" might have survived the walk across lava, but  at 0:08 in the video, you can see that in his last step, his foot slightly caught on fire. This man was lucky to survive this stunt. Even though walking across lava might sound cool, it's not. In fact, it's really hot! (unintended pun) Don't try this at home or anywhere else!
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